HOW TO PLAY AND DOWNLOAD PUBG MOBILE GLOBAL WITHOUT VPN IN INDIA As a result of the closure of Pubg Mobile Global India, many gamers did not get better in India.Many used to play Call of Duty or the Karian version of Pubg Mobile or Free Fire.But no one has had as much fun as Pubg Mobile Global.So today I will tell you how you can play in Pubg Mobile Global India, yes you can play,No VPN is required to play the game। HOW TO Download Pubg mobile global India. STEPS : 1. Using high speed need. on the link-- Download XAPK(620.7 MB) 3.Downlod the APK of Pubg. 4.Install the app,open the app. 5.Downlod the all resources. FINALLY YOU CAN ENJOY PUBG MOBILE GLOBAL. IF YOU LIKE THIS PLEASE GIVE ME A COMMENTS.
Middle class journey: The world is a beautiful place. There are very beautiful rivers, trees, mountains. There are three types of people in this world, such as - poor, middle class, rich people. In all of them, the life of the middle class is full of struggles. After living for about five years, he started to struggle. At first, it takes a lot of money to get admission in a good private school, which is not easy. Then comes college. It takes a lot of money at the time of college admission. After college, the struggle for the job began. At the end of the job, this time it is the turn of marriage. After the marriage begins for the Savings family. A middle class can't enjoy its life, it is always a struggle. Life ends paying bank loans and government। SHARE THIS। COMMENT BELOW 😊
WORLD 🌍 AIDS DAY: Today 1 December is a world AIDS DAY. TODAY I TOLD YOU ABOUT ALL DETAILS OF AIDS SO READ CAREFULLY AIDS- ACQUIRED IMMUNO DEFICIENCY VIRUS INTRODUCTION : AIDS is a deadly disease caused by HIV. The immune system is completely damaged in this disease, so that any common disease is not easily cured and the patient must die.When infected with this virus, it stays in the healthy body and the virus stays in the infected state for a long time. The carrier spreads the disease throughout the person's life. CAUSATIVE ORGANISM : HIV, a type of retrovirus called human immunodeficiency virus. INCUBATION PERIOD: Two to three years or even ten years STRUCTURE OF HIV VIRUS: 1.The HIV virus is usually round. 2.Thee volume is 90 to 120 nm. 3.The center contains 2 RNA and reverse transcriptase enzymes. Thee nucleic acid of the virus surrounds what is called nucleic acid. 4 The inner layer is made up of proteins and the outer layer is made up of lipoprotei...
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